Diseases Caused by Toxic Mold

There are many serious diseases caused by toxic mold, and if you have mold growth in your home it is essential to clean up the mess in order to avoid the symptoms of toxic mold exposure. Even though the mold may seem harmless, microscopic spores can enter your body and cause a number of serious illnesses. Don’t delay in cleaning up the mold growth, because continued exposure will increase your risk of developing health problems.

How Toxic Mold Affects Your Health

A person can develop symptoms of toxic mold by breathing in the mold spores, ingesting the mold through exposed food, or coming in contact with the mold on their skin. In the beginning, you may be breathing the mold spores without realizing there is a problem, and toxicity begins to cause minor health problems that can eventually develop into serious illnesses.

If anyone in your family has breathing problems such as allergies or asthma, they may be more prone to diseases caused by toxic mold. Also, a person with a suppressed immune system may be at a higher risk, because the medication weakens their immune system. Health conditions that require this type of medication include HIV, organ transplants, or cancer. Their respiratory system is already weakened by the asthma or allergies, and breathing mold spores will cause additional problems.

When you begin the cleanup process, it is critical to protect yourself by wearing a N95 mask and covering your skin with protective clothing. The cleanup process will send additional mold spores into the air, and you need to avoid breathing them as much as possible. Additionally, don’t let the mold touch your skin, because it may cause you to develop symptoms of toxic mold.

Illnesses Caused by Toxic Mold

Diseases caused by toxic mold

In the beginning, symptoms of toxic mold are similar to allergies or a head cold. You may experience itchy eyes, a runny nose, sinus problems, wheezing, and some people also have skin rashes. As the symptoms progress, it is common for a person to experience infections, and the mold can even begin to grow in a person’s lungs and sinuses.

When mold is present in a building, it releases several dangerous compounds: acetone, benzene and mycotoxins. The acetone and benzene substances are associated with headaches, dizziness, and nausea. The mycotoxins are even more dangerous, because they target cells within the body and causes damage on a cellular level. Mycotoxins have been linked with serious diseases caused by toxic mold such as sudden infant death syndrome, autoimmune conditions, cancer, and stillbirths.

Where Mold Hides

Mold can grow in any item that has been exposed to liquid for more than 24 to 48 hours. If microscopic spores are present in the air, they will land on the wet area which is a perfect environment for them to grow. Once the mold starts to spread, it can quickly send mold spores throughout the home because the spores are pulled into the heating and cooling systems which blow air throughout the house.

Finding hidden mold

The only way to get rid of diseases caused by toxic mold is to completely kill the mold spores and remove them from the building. Specialized techniques should be used in this process, preventing the spread of the mold spores which can cause symptoms of toxic mold.

If you have mold in your home, it is critical to take care of the problem right away. Be careful if you try to clean up the mold by yourself, because it can be dangerous if it is not handled correctly. A better alternative is to consult with a mold specialist in order to determine the best cleanup process.

Reasons to Have a Mold Specialist Come to Your Home

Because toxic mold can be so dangerous to your health, you should not put off having a mold specialist examine your home. Most specialists offer free consultations, and they will bring specialized testing equipment.

A common problem is to have the mold spread to other areas, causing cross contamination. Working with a mold contractor will help you to safely remove the mold and prevent it from growing back.

With the free consultation, you will receive a complete home inspection, as well as a full report listing specific steps that should be taken in order to remediate the problem. Click here for a list of mold specialists in your town that offer free consultations. 

Additional Reading:

Effects of Mold - Information on the health issues from mold exposure. Why its important to use a professional mold tester to check your property.

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