Mold Remediation Certification

Mold remediation certification guarantees that your mold remediation contractor has certain skills and has met certain qualifications. A certified mold remediation contractor may obtain certification from numerous organizations, including The Mold Inspection Consulting and Remediation Organization (MICRO), The National Organization of Remediators and Mold Inspectors, The Professional Mold Inspection Institute (PMII) and RespirNet (in association with The Environmental Solutions Association). A mold remediation contractor may hold mold remediation certification from one or more organizations. However, it is important to know that mold remediation professionals are not required to hold any type of certification whatsoever.

What Does Mold Remediation Certification Mean?

That’s a good question, and the answer depends on which organization certifies the mold remediation contractor in question. Each organization sets its own criteria. Some organizations require a certified mold remediation contractor to hold a degree in engineering. Some require no college degree at all. Some require a certified mold remediation contractor to attend a number of classes. Others offer certification over the internet.

When hiring a mold remediation contractor, you should ask if he holds any certification and if so, which organization or organizations have certified him. That’s not all you need to know, though. If he is certified, ask him about the certifying organization’s criteria for certification. Find out what certification really means in the case of the mold remediation contractor you are considering hiring.

Do You Really Need a Certified Mold Remediation Contractor?

Probably. Surely there are some good contractors out there that hold no certification. The problem is, it’s hard to know if they are good or not if they have no verifiable qualifications. You can ask for references – which you should in fact do even if the contractor you are considering hiring is certified – but a satisfied customer or two does not guarantee the contractor is qualified to do your job.

While mold problems in the home are not so uncommon, all mold problems are not the same. There are many different types of mold, and what works to get rid of one type of mold does not always work to get rid of another. In some cases, mold grows in only a small, easily visible area. In other cases, mold grows in multiple locations, some of them quite difficult to locate. Some mold problems are fairly easy to clean up, while others are quite difficult. Therefore a contractor with little training or experience might be able to successfully handle one job but might find another job beyond his skills or abilities.

Hiring a Certified Mold Remediation Contractor

So now you know that you’re probably best off hiring a contractor that holds mold remediation certification from a reputable organization. You can follow this link to get a list of Qualified Contractors in your area. Ask to see proof of mold remediation certification, such as his certificate or license. Ask him to explain what qualifications he had to meet in order to receive his certification. You can also telephone the certifying organization or organizations to inquire about how contractors become certified by them and to verify that the contractor you wish to hire remains in good standing.

While you shouldn’t rely on references to determine whether or not the contractor you wish to hire is qualified, it is still a good idea to ask for a few references. Certification doesn’t mean a contractor provides good customer service, is reliable or dependable, will complete the job as agreed or will otherwise satisfy you. So after you make sure the contractor has the proper qualifications, speak to a few satisfied customers to help make sure you’ll be satisfied, too.

Scheduling a Free Consultation

We recommend all homeowners schedule an appointment for a free consultation with a certified mold removal specialist, because you can get valuable information and advice during the consultation even if you opt to do the work yourself. If you or any members of your household have respiratory problems, problems with the immune system, or are pregnant, we think it’s especially important to talk to a professional before beginning the mold removal process. Failing to take the proper safety precautions during the mold removal process could lead to serious health risks. Follow the link for a list of Certified Mold Removal Specialists near you.

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